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7 types of rest for lupus sufferers

Rest is incredibly important to your body's health. Sleep alone can not refresh and restore us.

Rest is vital for better mental health, increased concentration and memory, a healthier immune system, reduced stress, improved mood and even a better metabolism.

Feeling rested consists of different combinations that work together to help us feel renewed.

Rest should always encompass the 7 core areas of mental, physical, sensory, creative, emotional, social and spiritual rest. Effective rest takes on many forms, and can combat pain, brain fog and lack of energy on your lupus journey.

Mental Rest – Let your brain have a break from your inner talk and chatter. Finding it hard to sleep could be from your mind racing. Schedule short breaks every two hours throughout your workday. these breaks remind you to slow down. Keep a notepad by the bed to do brain dumps and release yourself from things that may be on your mind.

Physical Rest – Relieving your body of physical stressors like insomnia, muscle tensions and headaches. The two types of physical rest are passive and active. Passive: sleeping and napping. Active: activities like yoga, stretching, and massage therapy that help improve the body’s circulation and flexibility.

Sensory Rest – Our senses can get overloaded throughout the day. With technology, computers, online meetings and all the chatter and talk around us we can become overwhelmed. Sometimes we need to give our senses a break. You can get sensory rest by unplugging, closing your eyes and breathing for a few moments and intentionally removing yourself to prevent sensory overload.

Creative Rest – Creative rests awakens the beauty inside us. Doing things that help you feel inspired like attending an art show or just simply enjoying nature. You don’t have to spend days without inspiration around you.

Emotional Rest – Find the time and the space to express your feelings freely and openly, with no judgement or attempt to try and fix it all. This can come in the form or therapy or life coaching. Emotional rest can also come by saying that you aren’t okay and expressing your feelings.

Social Rest – Connect with others who do not require anything from you. Be around people who just enjoy your company. Surround yourself in people that feed into you as opposed to take from you. Social rest comes when you surround yourself with positive and supportive people.

Spiritual Rest – Connecting to something greater than yourself. Connecting in a way that goes beyond the physical and mental. Something that gives you a feeling, a deep sense of love, acceptance, and purpose. Try adding prayer, meditation or community involvement and service to your daily routine.

This article is intended to inform and give insight but not treat, diagnose or replace the advice of a doctor. Always seek medical advice with any questions regarding a medical condition.

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